Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why is picking scabs so much fun?

Seriously why do I enjoy it as much as I do?  It was a week ago friday that I had ended up with this road rash on my leg and for a little but it was annoying then that went away and it was all scabbed over.  Now that the scab is starting to come off I of course am picking at it.  Man it's fun, it's about 2 or 3 square inches I guess so there is only a little bit left that just isn't ready to fall off.

Anyway, I've bee slacking on the running quite a bit but I've been doing some other stuff working out.  Not quite the same or good enough so I need to get on the ball.


DoubleJ said...

Nice job man...

1.8 mile per day average so far for 2010, which will give you 661 or so miles for the year (if you can keep up a torrid 1.8 mile per day pace)...

Something to think about...EVERYONE who runs is busy. We all have jobs (well most of us)...we all have other stuff going on...some of us have wives, girlfriends, fiances, even kids... (you think YOU are busy with 'other stuff' now? Just wait until you have one or more of those above)... but we can still shoehorn in the miles man. As you've said in the past...NO EXCUSES.

I have spoken.

Mike said...

It's nothing about being too busy, it's solely a matter of motivation.