Saturday, May 1, 2010

I just do not blog that often anymore.

I don't know if it's a lack of time or just that I don't run so updating a blog I started for running is just kinda lame when it's no longer running updates.  Anyway, nothing really exciting has happened since my last post.  My day to day life is still boring.  I wake up, go to work and don't do much before going to bed when I get home. Although I have started planning out good things.  I am trying to make a list of places I want to hike this year and try to figure out when I can do each or them and if I can find anyone to go with me.  I suppose it wouldn't be bad to do them alone I could just bring an ipod but it'd be nicer to have company.

I would like to do Franconia Ridge, but the hike I at least that found that covered most of it was a 9 mile hike and I figured I should probably start out easier.  I'm sure I could do it but especially if I am going alone I'll start off with something shorter.  That way I can be sure if I get up at like 5am on a Saturday to drive up to some mountain or trail I can not only make it there, but get through the hike and stay awake on the drive home.  Anyway so that is the plan, who knows if it will actually happen but I'll try to make a trip over to REI soon and get some stuff so I can start hiking.  Let me know if you'd like to come along.


DoubleJ said...

let me know when you want to go.

Mike said...

Think I could make a 9 mile hike as fat as I am now?

DoubleJ said...

you mean a 9 mile walk? yes, I think you can manage.

Mike said...

Haha, sounds good man. Do you have any Saturdays off from racing this summer or will we have to do a Sunday?

DoubleJ said...

I'll have to look and see.... I have races on sat and/or sunday... not just saturdays. I also have some stuff during the week occasionally.... so it's all over. This weekend is just sat, but sunday is mothers day.... I'll have to check out the schedule more in depth... fishing is always a good substitute. :)

DoubleJ said...

it's been 10 days.

DoubleJ said...


DoubleJ said...