Saturday, April 10, 2010

I am about as good at blogging as I am at running.

So it's been about 2 weeks since my last post.  Woah, ok that sounds a bit too much like catholic confession so I have to stop.  Anyway  I've been pretty busy lately, obviously not with running.

Where to start, well since I started this blog to be about running I'll at least start with football since it's the most exercise I get without running.  So well my left ankle is still swollen to about twice the size of my right one.  It doesn't hurt really, I don't ice it which is really dumb of me but since it doesn't hurt I really don't think about it except on Sundays.  The first game of the last two weeks was awful.  We showed up at Arlington High where our game was at and started warming up etc... only to find out that our game was an hour after it was scheduled since AGAIN the league did not get a permit for the field and the early game was forced to play on a separate field and it delayed the start of all the games.  It makes me wonder what we paid $600 bucks for since we supplied our own uniforms, flags, ball, tee, and we pay ref fees every game.  We haven't played at the same field more than once with the exception of double headers and we were only supposed to have one game that wasn't on the same field.  Anyway  I'm not sure if it was the delayed start, or what but for some reason our team was just not in the game that week.  The opposing team was good but very beatable and we just couldn't get it together.  Needless to say we lost.

The second week we played a game at 8am on Easter Sunday in Milton which was pretty shitty since it's like 45 minutes away.  Anyway because of the holiday we only had 8 people show up for an 8 on 8 game.  No subs and we ended up having to play with some nagging injuries the entire game.  Not only that our quarterback was one of the people who could not make the game forcing me to step in as the backup.  I was not really looking forward to that but what can you do.  Somehow early in the game I'm not sure if it was dehydration from being out drinking for a friends bday the night before or what but I had my right calf cramp up pretty bad.  This isn't just a normal cramp this is a recurring thing  with me, I've had it happen before just from running and it's bad enough that on one run with my friend Michelle in the Dracut/Tyngsboro woods she noticed me limping and refused to continue running despite being fine herself and me insisting that we continue on.  Now imagine that playing football with lots of cuts and sprinting instead of just running at a measly 8:30 pace(I have no idea what we were running but it probably was close to that).  So this cramp came up within the first 10 minutes of the game which was nice since we had no subs, but at least I was quarterback so on offense I didn't have to run too much.  The first half of the game went alright Mark bailed me out of a bad pass and ended up scoring a TD which was my first throwing for the season and I think Mark's first receiving since he's been out with a bad foot.  We kept it close, I scored another TD running the ball to keep the score tied at 13.  The second half however was when our lack of subs really killed us.  Jeff hurt his leg so he couldn't run too well so he needed to switch with me at QB.  So now limping around I was still playing receiver, which I did well enough at but at this point in the game we had too many people either tired, hurt or not playing their normal position and we gave up a couple of big plays and were not able to respond.  So that was that, another game we could have won but did not.  We need to find a better run league and maybe some more players so we aren't always so short handed.

Aside from that work is going really well.  Things are finally after a few years coming into place for me.  Plenty of money coming in and I've decided I need to get my CFP within the next year.  Now if it happens who knows I need to take 6 classes and shell out over 6 grand before I can even take the test so we'll see if I can get all that done soon so I can start studying for that wonderful 10 hour 2 day test.

Another reason I have been busy is I have some how beyond everyone I knows expectations I have manged to get myself a girl friend.  How this has happened is still to be determined but it's been going pretty well so far considering my general retardation when it comes to girls.  And since people will find a hard time believing me I will offer a picture as an attempt at proof.
Trust me this has nothing to do with my recent download of photoshop.  Anyway thats it for tonight.  I have a double header for football in the morning and I'm just hanging out at home by myself for the night.  I'll try to keep the posts coming more often than once every 15 days.


DoubleJ said...

Mike, good post.

You are gigantic in that photo.

Mike said...

Haha, thanks. I'm actually surprised you added in the "in that photo". I still haven't gone over 180 so I don't want to hear any of that 2 bills crap.

I'm busy being the dominant receiver on my flag football team. By dominant I mean the best on our team. Granted our team is pretty bad but still I have 6 touchdowns and considering I had to spend a few games at QB instead it's not bad. I need the size(even if the speed of my college days would probably be better)

DoubleJ said...

do any of your teammates ever go on this blog? Because you spend an awful lot of time saying how bad they are :)...

Mike said...

Haha, probably not, their girl friends/wives do though. None of us are very good, I just try to stay positive about what I did. I can't focus on what exactly other people are doing when I'm trying to make sure I do what I'm supposed to. I mean I mentioned the 2 plays I had that were good, and that was literally the only two good ones so it's not like I'm consistant.

In all honesty though our team would be a lot better if we had more people. The line does pretty well but it's exhausting playing both sides of the ball all game doing what they do. Also I think all but 1 or 2 teams we've played have been playing together 5+ years, this is some guys on our team first time playing organized football and none of us have been playing since high school at best so we can't expect much.