Monday, November 30, 2009

Climbing My Way Back

This will be be a shorter entry as I get ready to go raise the intensity level before watching the Pats Saints game at Pete's.

I decided to do as hilly of a run as I could today given my location and how poor shape I am in.  It was a bit shorter than 5 miles according to it was 4.8 miles but it seemed as if it were shorter.  I had 3 significant hills in the run and a few other bumps that I don't really count but it was good to keep things interesting.  I had to zig zag my route a bit to account for all of the hills and keep the distance at least somewhat close to 5 miles.  I started of going what I thought was slow but my first mile said otherwise at about 7:30(I'm not sure exactly where the mile marker was).  I felt good on the first two hills, starting to feel it a bit towards the end of the second one.

Then coming down after the second hill I probably encountered the longest flat part of the run with an exception of the first mile and Going to California by Led Zeppelin came on my iPod and that slowed me down quite a bit, it wasn't till the song ended right before the last big hill that I noticed my slower pace. I tried to work the hill but I was definitely starting to feel it and thoughts of maybe cutting the run short started entering my head.

Luckily for me I came to my senses as I came down the other side of the hill and kept to the original plan.  I ended up finishing the run just over 38 minutes which  made my pace 7:54 per mile.  I am pretty happy with that it is certainly nice to seem some progress coming.  Still to slow to do real training with any of my running friends but I am 4.8 miles closer than I was when today started.

I will update this in a bit with picture of the elevation part of the run(not that impressive) once I get a chance but for now I am heading over to my friends to get ready for some football.


It only looks like 2 hills here really.  but that little bump after mile 1 is a decent hill.

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