Saturday, June 5, 2010

A small sign of progress

So, I managed to get out for a run again today with a little help form an encouraging(more like demanding) text message.  Now despite the two previous runs this week feeling like the first two runs I have ever done and that a 10 to 15 mile run at 7 minute pace was beyond possible in my lifetime, I felt better.  I still only ran 2 miles(I'm still guessing I haven't really timed or measured it I'm just going by distance from runs I did back when I was in shape.  Anyway, despite it being hot and humid I felt better today than the previous two runs. Even though it was probably 2 miles in 20 minutes I actually felt like a runner that was out of shape instead of someone that has never run before which was promising.  Now these little optimistic views won't really matter when it comes down to it considering my track record with running but it's progress and I'm happy about that.

Lets just hope it continues.


Christyerin said...

Congrats on the running again. I was chosen in the lottery for the Falmouth Road Race in August with a few friends of mine. It's only 7 miles, and I can't even imagine myself doing that! Any helpful advice...other than get my ass out and run!

Mike said...

I'm not sure who you are though?!