Is there any chance you actually believe the title of this? If you do then we're better friends already, the truth however is not that I forgot to blog or lost my password the truth is I got lazy.
Anyway despite the time off and new shoes I still have some knee pain, and since I already ruined this week I've decided to take it easy for the week(I don't expect that to last) to try to help it heal some more. I did a real easy 3.4 mile run, it was pretty windy but I felt relaxed most of the run once I got loosened up a bit. I finished in 26:13 which is alright.
I've still got a long way to go before I can actually start enjoying my runs but I'm still pretty hopeful even after the last two days. Thinking about being able to run 8 or 10 mile runs at 6 minute per mile pace is a good thing. Is it strange that I don't enjoy runs unless it's at least 8 miles? Maybe I just associate those runs with the trails of the Dracut State forest I enjoy so much. Either way it's only something that real runners understand and the casual jogger cannot. The jogger can get enjoyment from running sure, it always feels good to have a good run of any distance but there is something different about hammering through a run of 8 or more miles being able to talk the whole time to finish and recover almost immediately. That is what I am aiming for.
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Ahh and the truth of your blog title finally reigns true. And now you're calling yourself a runner and speaking ill of the casual jogger? From someone who hasn't run over 10 miles in approximately 7 years? Hmmm, interesting.
Please note my bitterness is due to my own inability to currently run because of injuries due to too much running. It's probably for best to be lazy.
keep listening to your body my friend...if it needs rest due to an obvious injury or something just isn't right physically, make the right decision to get some rest. You know the difference between normal wear and tear, and something more serious. The more time passes, the less you'll need to take some down time...your body will remember and get adjusted again.... Just stay in it mentally. That's the big thing. If you lose it mentally, you're back out of the game again and you'll have to start all over (if you're lucky enough to give it yet another go). Don't back off because you're tired or it's snowing or it's too cold outside or any other reason that sucks. It's snowing and cold and dark and trafficy (if that's a word) and for everyone. Good to see you remembered your password. What was it again? Bosco?
Well I am calling myself a runner because I was actually a runner for a stretch of a few years so I do at least know what it's like to be a runner even if I am not one again YET! I think one of our runs this past summer was 12 miles wasn't it? Or does that not count because we were running like 12 minute pace?
I'm sure you'll be able to get back quickly though, I'll be sure to continue offering the bike for you for whenever you're ready to do some cross training.
Yea I mean I can say I took the two days off to rest my knee but I was just lazy. I mean the knee pain I don't think is anything I really have to worry about, I'll notice it at the beginning of a run or if I am toughing the area. It's not really my knee as it is the top of my shin. That being said I'm sure it doesn't help it heal when I push my running.
I think my biggest problem with running in shitty weather is that Burlington is so miserable to run in since I think every road in down is narrow to begin with and the poor plowing job doesn't help so I either have to deal with a lot of busy roads here or drive somewhere else
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