So after planning on taking a day off today, I decided to go for another run. I did the same loop as last night 4.23 miles it felt a lot more relaxed and the time was just slightly slower at 32:06. Since I planned to go easier than last night I figured that I would wear pants since it was a little cold last night. Tonight I was wrong again, I was much warmer than i would have preferred not July run during the day warm but still warm.
Now on my run I was thinking that I should at least start to set some kind of fitness goals and not have everything just arbitrary. The more I thought about it the one thing that has stuck out in my mind the most would be to run the last cross country workout I ran in college. Actually the one which resulted in my lower back muscle strain which kept me out of nationals. When I ran it in college it felt easy, a workout that on paper I looked at and didn't think I could hit all of the times but as we ran I was holding myself back on each interval and still running below the target. If I can get back into that kind of shape and complete that workout again this time without coming out of it damaged and unable to run for two weeks being condemned to the bike and pool prison at that point is where I will consider myself back. The workout was a pyramid workout and the only thing I am not 100% sure on is the rest, either way here it is:
What it was supposed to be What it was
400m 70 seconds 69 seconds
400m 70 seconds 68 seconds
800m 2:20 2:18
mile 4:40 4:35
800m 2:20 2:16
400m 70 seconds 64 seconds
400m 70 seconds 63 seconds
Now as far as I remember the rest wasn't based on time it was based on heart rate, once we got back down to a certain level we started again. I am pretty sure the rate was 120 but it's been a while since i have done real workouts so that could be way off. At that point I'll at least know what heart rate we were resting to.
Alright so I was going to leave a quote from this youtube video I saw today, except there were too many quotable things to pick from. It's got the gays, gay marriage, catholics, PETA, Tiger Woods, video games. I mean take your pick. Anyway I suggest you watch it here
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