Place your bets everyone. Since this is about my 300th time getting back into shape since I graduated college in 2004 I've decided to actually keep up with this blog(this is the 2nd or 3rd attempt at it) this time and try to keep things as interesting as I can to keep my motivation up. Plus this will give plenty of people good reason to give me shit for being lazy which is always fun. So feel free to take a guess/bet whatever in the comment section and whoever is the closest without going over(price as right rules are universal) will get a pair of running shoes if you're lucky or maybe even a high five from me if you're really lucky.
So for those of you that either haven't read much, or haven't run a lot I'll give you some info. I've been running sporadically the last 2 months maybe but not more than 1 or 2 days a week until the last week of November. I am averaging like 4 to 5 miles per run right now and I'm hoping to just be taking off 1 day a week but if I suspect any sort of injury or snag coming along that will obviously change. As recently as June or July I had done runs as long as 12 miles(slow pace of course) but as of right now I am 180lbs and in 2004 when I was running a lot I was 135lbs. Alright so now that that is out of the way, some quick math before you make any guesses. 2,010 miles over a year would come out to be 38.65 miles per week which is averaging 6.44 miles a day with 1 day off every week. I am below that weekly amount at the moment but I plan on running much more than that as soon as I am able.
There is a tracker on the right side of the blog that will keep track of each run every day and I will try to map out as many runs as I can with if that isn't possible I'll do my best to be conservative with the estimate of my pace for the run and mileage will be listed as shorter rather than longer on any run like that.
None of that really matters because my guess is the most popular response will be "you will stop running again and never hit 2,010 miles in 2010"
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So I'm supposed to a guess a date? I'm participating because I never pass up a chance for free running sneakers. Please note, however, you touching me via high five will not be allowed. And I hate to label you lazy here but I'm going to have to go with Dec. 11th. Because it's my birthdays (gifts will be accepted) and because you won't get it done any earlier than that. Mocking was injected in order to motivate you. Use it wisely.
Haha, well so far I have 3 people that don't think I'll get it done at all. One of which said if I did get it done, that he would eat 2,010 munchkins the following year. So I've got some motivation to see if I can get one of my friends onto the biggest loser by forcing him to put on 2 to 3 hundred pounds.
btw after the run I do in september that puts me over the 2,010 I'm coming to your house to give you a big sweaty hug.
I think you can totally do it!! Not because I am your biggest fan...but because everyone is telling you you can't. Prove them wrong!! Although my guess for a date is going to have to be December 31, 2010...just hit that last mile before midnight:) And I would love to see Sweetland eat 2010 munckins before his wedding LOL!
Ok, I'm not sure about all that guessing my weight stuff...but I do have multiple bones to pick with you (what else is new)... There are numerous falsehoods in your latest entry that must be called out...
1) "300th time getting back into shape since I graduated college in 2004..." - By my count, you have not actually done it yet, even once, so it's actually still '0'. Since you have 'attempted' to get back into shape about 300 times, you'll have to reword that statement.
2) "There is a tracker on the right side of the blog that will keep track of each run every day..." - Two things wrong with this...first, you don't run every day, so it won't track each run every day now, will it? Second, you blatently stole that RunningAhead widget idea from granted I obviously wasn't the first to use I can't take total credit...but couple that with the weather widget that I think I WAS the first to use on the entire planet, and you've stolen essentially the entire right side of your page from me.
Thats about all I have right now, from very briefly scanning your post. Perhaps a cupcake counting widget and a 'how many chicken pies will I shove down my gullet in 2010' contest would be more fun?
I have an XXL CMS singlet for you. Feeling motivated now? ;)
also... while I am hot on this topic...your blog title is not appropriate for the content and reflective of your goals. You should change it to something like 'Anti-Lazy-Hero' or something like that...seeing that you are already copying me a million times over, why stop now?
my Word Verification word was just 'beantwiddle'... funny.
Thank you Christy for having some faith in me. Though I think Sweetlands bet offer is probably going to be the most motivational. Is that bad that I want to see him eat that many munchkins?
Stop complaining over very minor details! I was in shape at least once out of the times I attempted it so I'm not going back to reword it.
Also don't complain about me stealing stuff from your blog. If you don't want people to copy your blog, make it boring and plain nobody will steal from it then. I tried to copy more actually but I couldn't figure the rest out. In the case I do, plan on your blog being copied some more.
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