Sunday, March 7, 2010

Total Chaos

So the good news is I didn't have to play quarterback today, the bad news was I don't think it mattered who was there.  This was our first game together as a team and half the team had never even played organized football before.  The other team however has been playing together for the last 5 years and were extremely organized.  This basically caused everything that could possibly go wrong to go wrong.  I don't really need to go into details but it was bad.  I will say I didn't see everyone playing cuz I had to play myself but from what I did see Sweetland probably had the best game out of everyone.  The upside is we got our first game out of the way and now we have a much better feel for what we need to work on, granted there is probably too much to work on but still we've got our starting point.  Another good thing was the other team was really cool they were having a lot of fun(easy to do when you're winning by as much as they were) but hung around and talked after the game and gave us some info of what to expect from the league in general and what they though we needed to work on most.


DoubleJ said...

You are on a 0.73 miles per day average, or about 268 miles for the year. That's only around 1742 miles short of your goal. Close enough.

Mike said...

Can I count sprints as mileage?