So I've done quite a bit of slacking off recently which is right on par for what I normally do. Granted I had an awesome weekend and was reminded how great the friends I have are. Friday night out in Lowell with most of my friends was probably one of the most fun I've had in quite a while. Then Saturday night I drank and cleaned my friends house which for me is surprisingly more fun than it is for pretty much anyone else. I cleaned the first floor while Pete cleaned upstairs, so I was blasting some good music and basically alone most of the time but still something I enjoy because well, I was out of my house.
Anyway talking with a friend last night about how I needed to stop slacking and I was going to head out for a run around 8:30 or 9pm then between getting 2 different phone calls that lasted a while from 2 different friends. Suddenly it was 10:30. While I was on the phone I gave up on the idea of running and changed back out of my running clothes and decided to slack again. Now I probably should have still gone but I kind of let myself get talked out of it for fear of having a tough time falling asleep after a late run but in reality a run that late isn't going to change anything about my sleeping difficulties.
Regardless of that I also mentioned again to my friend about how I was hoping to avoid a recurring calf injury that I've had a few times when pushing myself too much when trying to get back in shape but it was normally in the summer so I thought it was almost hydration related. Oddly enough I am proven wrong. This morning I wake up and get out of bed to turn off the alarm. That all too familiar pain is in my calf again, a pain that is deep in the muscle and is almost impossible to find a way to stretch it out. This cannot be happening right, I mean something that normally made sense when it happened all of a sudden happens in my sleep? It's always been running too much or playing a long game of ultimate frisbee before I felt my calf give out. Is this some sort of mental block I have where I'm actually making it up to the point it becomes a physical problem? Maybe it could be just a sign of how bad my diet really is, a complete lack of proper nutrition bad enough to cause injuries while sleeping.
Whatever the cause of this is, I should try to improve everything I think could have caused it instead of doing one at a time. Then maybe life will just get a whole lot better overall, and this stupid injury will finally go away for good.
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