I got home around 1am and was up for about a half an hour before going to sleep. Then I decided it'd be pretty awesome to just wake up at 3:30 and be completely wide awake. So I figured I'd take the time to catch up on some tv shows on hulu. I was exhausted all day and even though I planned to take the day off running I felt really good besides being tired and probably would have gone out for a run but I didn't want to be tempted to nap on the sidewalk somewhere.
Saturday night I ended heading up to Jim's because I had a tape with a bunch of old races from college that I wanted to get ripped to start uploading. I had a great time there is always good music playing(often stuff I have never even heard of), good food and drinks and great company. I don't think I've ever not had a great time up there. We watched the last two years of the Mount Washington race and I gotta say I am hooked. I am not sure why the hell this would happen, maybe I just miss the pain of a race and feel like since I haven't raced in years I need to make up for it with what I'd imagine is the most painful race around. I mean I imagine marathons and ultra marathons to be extremely painful, when you look at the Mount Washington race and you see people that are in the top 10 or 20 at mile 1 looking like they had run a marathon already then fell down several flights of stairs and thats only at mile 1. Not to mention the wall that the runners have to climb right before the finish I would wear that the incline is well over 40 degrees.
Random thought: Does anyone else see those Roni Deutch commercials all the time about people with tax or debt issues? I assume it's a scam of some sort scam right, basically a cash 4 gold kinda deal just with tax and debt problems?
I somehow managed to stay awake ever later than the night before. I didn't end up leaving Jim's till 2am and not going to bed till almost 4am only to wake up less than 6 hours later. I rolled out of bed made sure my friends were still down for playing football at 11 then went out for a 3 mile SLOW run. It was really more of just a jog(not that my "runs" can qualify for anything more than a jog)
Now more importantly I've been trying to get my friends together for a game of football for months, finally today we got 8 people together for some 4 on 4 which was pretty good. When we were playing catch warming up for people to show up I kept dropping the ball which earned me the nickname Braylon Edwards, but all was redeemed when we started playing I didn't drop a single ball that was thrown to me(I did catch 2 that I had 1 foot in but couldn't get the second one down) including 5 interceptions 3 of which were returned for TD's.
Anyway all that being said my legs are pretty sore from football this morning which prevented me from going out for another run that wasn't so crappy but I'll deal. I am looking forward to this week, getting back to work and getting some more running in. I will have to start trying to work in more hills into my runs though so I can start to prepare for Mt. Washington. This might also lead to some trips to Lowell for some Christian Hill workouts too since I have never been a great hill runner.
Also I had titled this the LONG weekend since I didn't really sleep much, not that I normally do but it was less than normal.
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